I wanna play the game so bad, but it won't let me select new game, instead it just keeps telling me i dont have any data saved for a game file. what can i do to fix this, im running it on a chromebook on chrome.
I like the monsters, but the Leech really should have fed on its own guilt. Actually, it always confuses me that *feeding* on someone's positive emotion *diminishes* it, while *feeding* on someone's negative emotion *increases* it. This makes me think that "feeding" is not at all what feeding means.
I was in the end sequence, had just picked up the oval locket, and decided to open my menu and check what the three hearts had to say. When I tried to exit the menu, it crashed and threw this screen.
This game was really beautiful, I've been struggling myself recently and found this game at a really good time. I was really able to connect to the main character, and I resonate with their life a lot. While obviously a video game can't make me navigate through my own life, it does give me some comfort and makes me feel a little less alone, so thank you.
AHH 10/10 LOVED IT SO MUCH!! The art is so gorgeous and when I finally realized the meaning of the game my mind was blown!??! Played this instead of listening in class and WOULD replay to do it all over again
// spoilers \\
ocd factory was my wakeup call.. after talking to a few of the workers i was like "wait..?!??!"
im yet to finish the experience because i like to poke around in all the little corners and i absolutely love it so far! the designs, the dialogue, the easter eggs are all wonderful and this is slowly becoming one of the best game experiences, especially horror rpgs, i've had in a long long time
as a side note, i cant help but wonder - is author a magnus archives fan by any chance...? a lot of the things seem like a nod to it (like the circus with no-face people, general eye/flesh direction etc). extremely cool if so, same hat!!
Dude the ending almost made me cry this was so flipping good im suprised it was free really great game it was never too boring or too frustrating i would pay any amount of money to play if there was a part 2 or somthing keep doing what ur doin
This was a really fabulous game to play through thank you very much for making it, love that there's so many great Easter eggs :) CJU in the toilet ;')
and I beg your pardon, but there is always time to check the trash :D
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this experience. Everything was so well put together. The story, the characters, the settings, everything about this game was just amazing. I was completely immersed the entire time. Thank you for bestowing this piece of art to the public, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
haven't finished playing yet but, is one of the quotes by the sprite in one of the houses in the town "you've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" a reference to legend of zelda majora's mask mask salesman?!?!
really beautiful and meaningful little indie game. wore its inspirations on its sleeve while still managing to maintain a very strong sense of its own identity. pulled off the red/green palette without ever calling christmas to mind which i think is an achievement. and as someone with ocd i really appreciate the factory segment
really love this game, it honestly made me cry during a section and had to take a break have way through. still playing but i also have to praise the art!! tried downloading the game but i couldnt get it work sadly (after extracting idk which file to open and sadly not able to open most of them :( but still great game so far) also not for everyone but i like the dialouge all the npc have and stuff, makes it feel much more like a grand world thats alive and moving even without you in it.
Tbh.. I can see why people would like this but its just not for me.. stopped after a while coz theres not much to do.. cant really snoop around or engage with anything. At least for me, it gets very repetitive soon, maybe thats the point. but its very beautiful to look at.
Я вот что ещё добавлю ,я установил эту игру на x 7 console и обалдел от того ,как кайфово играть. Сама консоль является тихим ужасом и кошмаром для программистов ,до сих пор они не могут понять на какой платформе она работает,то ли это Орандж пай 1 то ли Орандж пай 2 . Теряются в догадках ,а я просто ловлю кайф от игры!
Факт заключается в том, что от кривой операционной системы появляется некое состояние ожидания чуда. Почему? Объясню! Кажется ,что с ней ,если включить мозговые извилины, можно сделать все что угодно , даже Виндоус 89 можно установить ( кстати ,на консоли х7 пошел) и это несмотря на ту смешную цену ,которую эта консоль стоит. Конечно ,искать приходится много Рома ,но это того стоит. Конечно,я согласен насчёт Playgo , действительно не то ,что хочется видеть. Но, все таки ,консоль ,есть консоль ,хоть даже она и китайская ересь.
Вот хотел вас вот ещё о чем спросить,вы как относитесь к Mame games 1988-1999 годов? Я блин , тридцати однолетний дебил просто подсел на Gameboy и Mame games.
Но,я думал ,что я - один такой , оказалось нет. Есть ещё один у меня знакомый ,так он вообще врач в больнице ,так играет не только в Gameboy и Mame games, но ещё и в NES. В общем ,веселые ,мы ребята ,с головой совсем не дружим.
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Awesome game!! Everything worked just fine and, wow, that story! Great work :)
I wanna play the game so bad, but it won't let me select new game, instead it just keeps telling me i dont have any data saved for a game file. what can i do to fix this, im running it on a chromebook on chrome.
Try pressing 'E' instead of 'Enter' it worked for me.
I like the monsters, but the Leech really should have fed on its own guilt. Actually, it always confuses me that *feeding* on someone's positive emotion *diminishes* it, while *feeding* on someone's negative emotion *increases* it. This makes me think that "feeding" is not at all what feeding means.
I was in the end sequence, had just picked up the oval locket, and decided to open my menu and check what the three hearts had to say. When I tried to exit the menu, it crashed and threw this screen.
this has to be one of the most hauntingly beautiful games I’ve ever played, thanks for making a depressed girls bedrot a lil better <3
This game was really beautiful, I've been struggling myself recently and found this game at a really good time. I was really able to connect to the main character, and I resonate with their life a lot. While obviously a video game can't make me navigate through my own life, it does give me some comfort and makes me feel a little less alone, so thank you.
Beautiful and terrifying game! Bravo!! 10/10
I really enjoyed the old feeling of the game. The quests and plot were done very well. Awesome artwork/graphics too. ty!
this game was totally worth every minute i spent playing it, 10/10 playing again in the future for sure
I am seriously stupid so I apologise if this is obvious but what are folk using to play this?
I used a Game Boy emulator.
That works?!? huh I gotta get me one o those then...
One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. Compelling story, visually beautiful and simply amazing. I loved every second I spent in this game
AHH 10/10 LOVED IT SO MUCH!! The art is so gorgeous and when I finally realized the meaning of the game my mind was blown!??! Played this instead of listening in class and WOULD replay to do it all over again
// spoilers \\
ocd factory was my wakeup call.. after talking to a few of the workers i was like "wait..?!??!"
im yet to finish the experience because i like to poke around in all the little corners and i absolutely love it so far! the designs, the dialogue, the easter eggs are all wonderful and this is slowly becoming one of the best game experiences, especially horror rpgs, i've had in a long long time
as a side note, i cant help but wonder - is author a magnus archives fan by any chance...? a lot of the things seem like a nod to it (like the circus with no-face people, general eye/flesh direction etc). extremely cool if so, same hat!!
Dude the ending almost made me cry this was so flipping good im suprised it was free really great game it was never too boring or too frustrating i would pay any amount of money to play if there was a part 2 or somthing keep doing what ur doin
very Undertale esque but like way more bitter sweet. I cried and then laughed and then cried and it was a special thing
dude the visuals are amazing!! this game is so bittersweet...i look forward to more from you!
We loved this game so much! Thank you for making it!
amazing game, it made my day, ill be thinking about this all week no
Wonderful game, I loved it so much.
egreat game 10/10. reminds me of undertale
This was a really fabulous game to play through thank you very much for making it, love that there's so many great Easter eggs :) CJU in the toilet ;')

and I beg your pardon, but there is always time to check the trash :D
omg, this game is sooo cool, it reminds me of yume nikki
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this experience. Everything was so well put together. The story, the characters, the settings, everything about this game was just amazing. I was completely immersed the entire time. Thank you for bestowing this piece of art to the public, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
haven't finished playing yet but, is one of the quotes by the sprite in one of the houses in the town "you've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" a reference to legend of zelda majora's mask mask salesman?!?!
really beautiful and meaningful little indie game. wore its inspirations on its sleeve while still managing to maintain a very strong sense of its own identity. pulled off the red/green palette without ever calling christmas to mind which i think is an achievement. and as someone with ocd i really appreciate the factory segment
Very cute game and I love the humor and creatures ♡
That was perfect
loved this
wow, loved it! the narrative is just so so great!
Love the aesthetics!
This goes right on my EZ flash. I want to play it all the time
really love this game, it honestly made me cry during a section and had to take a break have way through. still playing but i also have to praise the art!! tried downloading the game but i couldnt get it work sadly (after extracting idk which file to open and sadly not able to open most of them :( but still great game so far) also not for everyone but i like the dialouge all the npc have and stuff, makes it feel much more like a grand world thats alive and moving even without you in it.
Tbh.. I can see why people would like this but its just not for me.. stopped after a while coz theres not much to do.. cant really snoop around or engage with anything. At least for me, it gets very repetitive soon, maybe thats the point. but its very beautiful to look at.
Awwwwwww, i love it <
I'm surprised Jacksepticeye hasn't played this yet. I feel like it's something he'd enjoy
Absolutely love this game, was the void chicken in the beginning a Stardew valley Easter egg? i thought that was cool lol
Просто потрясающе! Это не игра -- это искусство! Столько разных эмоций вызвать это надо уметь. Весьма глубокая игра.
Абсолютно согласен ,а более всего мне нравится то,что эта игра идёт абсолютно на всех консолях китайского производства.
Хах, да. Эта игра меня и подтолкнула на покупку портативки. :)
Я вот что ещё добавлю ,я установил эту игру на x 7 console и обалдел от того ,как кайфово играть. Сама консоль является тихим ужасом и кошмаром для программистов ,до сих пор они не могут понять на какой платформе она работает,то ли это Орандж пай 1 то ли Орандж пай 2 . Теряются в догадках ,а я просто ловлю кайф от игры!
Вот да. Сам попробовал на PlayGo. После мобильного эмулятора высшее удовольствие прям. И да, тоже на кривой операционной системке. :))
Факт заключается в том, что от кривой операционной системы появляется некое состояние ожидания чуда. Почему? Объясню! Кажется ,что с ней ,если включить мозговые извилины, можно сделать все что угодно , даже Виндоус 89 можно установить ( кстати ,на консоли х7 пошел) и это несмотря на ту смешную цену ,которую эта консоль стоит. Конечно ,искать приходится много Рома ,но это того стоит. Конечно,я согласен насчёт Playgo , действительно не то ,что хочется видеть. Но, все таки ,консоль ,есть консоль ,хоть даже она и китайская ересь.
Вот хотел вас вот ещё о чем спросить,вы как относитесь к Mame games 1988-1999 годов? Я блин , тридцати однолетний дебил просто подсел на Gameboy и Mame games.
Но,я думал ,что я - один такой , оказалось нет. Есть ещё один у меня знакомый ,так он вообще врач в больнице ,так играет не только в Gameboy и Mame games, но ещё и в NES. В общем ,веселые ,мы ребята ,с головой совсем не дружим.