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Tbh.. I can see why people would like this but its just not for me.. stopped after a while coz theres not much to do.. cant really snoop around or engage with anything. At least for me, it gets very repetitive soon, maybe thats the point. but its very beautiful to look at. 

Awwwwwww, i love it <


I'm surprised Jacksepticeye hasn't played this yet. I feel like it's something he'd enjoy

Absolutely love this game, was the void chicken in the beginning a Stardew valley Easter egg? i thought that was cool lol


Просто потрясающе! Это не игра -- это искусство! Столько разных эмоций вызвать это надо уметь. Весьма глубокая игра. 


Абсолютно согласен ,а более всего мне нравится то,что эта игра идёт абсолютно на всех консолях китайского производства.

Хах, да. Эта игра меня и подтолкнула на покупку портативки. :)

Я вот что ещё добавлю ,я установил эту игру на x 7 console и обалдел от того ,как кайфово играть. Сама консоль является тихим ужасом и кошмаром для программистов ,до сих пор они не могут понять на какой платформе она работает,то ли это Орандж пай 1 то ли Орандж пай 2 . Теряются в догадках ,а я просто ловлю кайф от игры!

Вот да. Сам попробовал на PlayGo. После мобильного эмулятора высшее удовольствие прям. И да, тоже на кривой операционной системке. :))

Факт заключается в том, что от кривой операционной системы появляется некое состояние ожидания чуда. Почему? Объясню! Кажется ,что с ней ,если включить мозговые извилины, можно сделать все что угодно , даже Виндоус 89 можно установить ( кстати ,на консоли х7 пошел) и это несмотря на ту смешную цену ,которую эта консоль стоит. Конечно ,искать приходится много Рома ,но это того стоит. Конечно,я согласен насчёт Playgo , действительно не то ,что хочется видеть. Но, все таки ,консоль ,есть консоль ,хоть даже она и китайская ересь. 

Вот хотел вас вот ещё о чем спросить,вы как относитесь к Mame games 1988-1999 годов? Я блин , тридцати однолетний дебил просто подсел на Gameboy  и Mame games.

Но,я думал ,что я - один такой , оказалось нет. Есть ещё один у меня знакомый ,так он вообще врач в больнице ,так играет не только в  Gameboy и Mame games, но ещё и в NES. В общем ,веселые ,мы ребята ,с головой совсем не дружим.


Honestly when i came down here and saw everyone talking about how much this game affected them i didn't believe it. However, after having played thru it in about 2 hours and having been on the verge of tears like 3 times (more like well past the verge but oh well TwT) i can whole heartedly say that i will never recommend a game more than i will this. I swear to u this is gonna be sent to the whole friend group just so they understand the JOURNEY this game truly is. /gen please, don't do what i almost did and skip out on the emotional rollercoaster of a life time because the beginning felt a little slow. its so worth it and i dont think i can convey with words how much this story means to me now.


I absolutely agree with you,sir . This game got some incredible context which I have never seen before,this storyline made me to think about my life differently than I thought about it in past . Absolutely amazing philosophical plot, this game reminded me about Plato's state,by the way, this is very interesting book . So , I surely can say ,what the developers of this game are philosophers!


i can't really describe what this game did to me, but well... thank you so much for letting me play it, even tho i know damn well that i'll play it again and again. I'll return here one day, that's for sure. Thank you for this game, reallly.


I can't begin to describe how wonderful this game is. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for making it. Thanks for fighting through the darkness. The world is so much better with you in it. <3

Sincerely, a fan forever.


is it possible to draw with the sketchyard artist? i really want to


this was so lovely!! the character design is amazing
unsettling when it needs to be and just lighthearted to balance it out when it calls for 🥰
thank you so much for including a browser version (its the only way i can play a lot of these games ;w;) 


Awesome, awesome game. Your art style is KILLER, I couldn't get enough of walking around in the game and staring at all the creatures and environments.


I had to pause my game to comment this, and while I absolutely would love to write a full review of how great this game is so far, I have to say that as someone with OCD I have never felt more seen in my entire life than I do by the clock souls. The one that has to retrace its steps until it feels right, the one who talks about how anxiety inducing it is to STOP doing these mundane tasks, that it's almost too much to bear. I have never seen such an accurate representation of OCD and in its own way getting to destroy the factory is very freeing.


i am so glad that i found this game when i did. this is now one of my favorites.

(1 edit) (+3)


Haha, fitting that there are 666 ratings as of now. Love it so far <3



Wow. I just. Wow. I found this website literally a day ago, just because my computer wouldn't let me download Steam, and I found this game pretty quickly down the search. It's currently... 2:34am, I finished the game at 2:30am. I don't even know what to say, I made an entire account on this site just so that I could comment on this.

Now I'm not very experienced with video games, they've never been a big interest of mine, but I've always been interested in storyline, 2d, types of games. And this just hit the mark, so perfect. I hate to be the one to say it, but this is like Undertale, if it was free and about mental health. I honestly love this so much, and I'm just genuinely blown away. I love everything about this game, the mechanics, the artsyle, the plot, the characters, I love it all. Of course, it's really simple, there isn't much skill to it, but it really doesn't need that, it's so spectacular on it's own, I love it so much. Not to mention the OST is one of the best I have ever heard, and I LOVE OSTs. It's so simple yet so amazing. 

I could honestly rant a lot more about how much I love this game. I'll definitely be coming back and playing this on repeat in the future, but yeah, this is genuinely one of the best games I've ever played. Thank you so much to the creator for making this absolute MASTERPIECE. I'm going to go to bed now, but have a great day/night all of you :) 

P.S. pls add the ost to spotify im begging you


I truly TRULY underestimated this game, because even after reading the overwhelmingly positive comments, I just didn't think that it would blow me aa the way that it did. This game, I probably one of the best games that I've played EVER. I honestly can't believe that I got to play it for free. 

This game is sooo beautiful and so captivating. I thought I'd play it a little while I waited for my movie to download only to find myself totally unable to stop playing! I finished it in one sitting and was honestly pretty devasted by the end.  recommend this game to EVERYONEEE, and when you play it, take your time. Explore every option because getting to know all the side characters was probably the highlight of my playing experience. Kudos to the creator this is amazing.

(I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel. maybe about a new character who falls into the void??) Thank you for creating this amazing piece of work.

(1 edit) (+3)

The slight undertale/FOTUT/Inscription refs made me so happy (also amazing game!) I 100% recommend to play this

What is FOTUT? also do you know what the last picture of a guy and his dog is?


Faith of the unholy trinity, its a great game! as for the dog i do not sorry

The Dog and his Buddy is a reference to Buddy Simulator


what a beautiful game :D


 DUDE WTF THIS WAS SO GOOD????? now I have to sit here and contemplate my life and how I've been treating myself HAHAHA (help).

on a more serious note, this game was amazing. the music, art, design of it all, and most importantly storyline and the way you laid it all out for us to explore. and the way you laid the message of the game so easily for us to understand, for us to take it to heart and think about, really shows how much work you put into it, and GOSH I thank you for that!!

this game was amazing and even though I wrote so much, I feel like I still haven't said enough, and tbh, no matter how much I speak about it, I probably won't be able to with how many details you put in it!!



Man, it's deep words , perhaps you are philosopher and I absolutely agree with you! Amazing game and author!


JAAAAMESS WAHHH MY HEART all the characters are so well rounded at the end, multiple times had me in a choke-hold due to just learning about each of the characters, every bird, dog and cat just added to the world building!

(1 edit) (+3)

I'd say there's more like 3.5+ hours to get out of this game.  There's so much to take in and do!  I couldn't get enough of the story.  It was so amazingly relatable for me.  The self loathing, the putting others first etc etc.  I loved it all so much - the different characters, the different worlds.  The poor Husk, just trying to make the most of his space and convince himself that he's happy.

I missed a few things through there - might go back to *ahem* cheat the stuff I missed, or maybe play through it all again?  Somehow I missed the middle heart, and there's so many questions - like what if I didn't mess things up in the factory?

I'm not sure if there are alternate endings - as the one I got seemed pretty complete.

Oh, also at the very end one of the people lined up to cheer us on our sendoff says "you're now a lost soul" I think was meant to say "you're NOT a lost soul"?  Could be wrong.


I just played through this, It's a beautiful exploration of the human mind with engaging gameplay and a satisfying ending. I wish I could play this again for the first time <3

Any chance you can provide the .pocket file I'd love to drop this on my Analogue Pocket  🙏


Update your firmware and download the spiritualized GBC core, and and a GBC BIOS file. Pocket specific files are redundant when you can just play straight up Gameboy ROMs.

Thanks I had no idea it had this!


"It's awful. Fight anyways"

The Greeter asked if i was ready to leave. I said "no", and cried for some minutes. I became so attached to every characther, saying goodbye felt hard and...painful.  "Stay where's familiar. Where's safe"

Everything felt like a warm hug, a gentle kiss onto my soul, a secure embrace. It is safe here. I can't name what i felt, it was a bittersweet happiness, a comfortable sadness.

Gods your work is just- wonderful. It spoke to me, it told me i'm doing good, that it's okay to not be strong now, cause i still have time and i'm doing my best considering my conditions.

Thank you so much.



2 hours well spent!! i love the different color palettes in each void-place-thing lol, and the feature of talking to someone twice to get them to say more was very cool. I also like that the final interaction i had with a trashcan was it saying f u lmao. Pixel art was so well done, n i love the message :)


did anyone see the song!? in the beginning?



What started as playing out of curious boredom turned into playing a game that spoke to my soul and ended with finding myself in tears. Thank you for this incredibly special game. I look forward to more from this brilliant developer!

Spoiler alert: I hope @manlybadasshero, @cjugames, @markiplier and the other let’s players  (I couldn’t figure them out lol) you left little Easter eggs for in the secret room get to experience this game too! ❤️❤️❤️


the pixel art here is Awesome


F'ING LOOVVEEE THHIISS GAAMMEE. The message is clear and the story is just... picasso!


I absolutely LOVED this game. Might have to replay it later to see if there was anything I missed

(5 edits) (+1)

omg the cookie one xD i can't, took another cookie and did not expect that x,D I finished the game, it was a great experience. I tried to have a different ending (i did got the happy ending with all the soul friends) but i guess it is fine as it is but wondered what it would have been otherwise.

I wanted to know more about the grim or really a different ending but neverthless great job :)

What happens if you take another cookie? I was curious but I didn't want to ruin it, lol

ah i forgot a bit but the inhabitant of the home got mad at me (i was scared xD) and locked the home. If i rememeber correctly he was really big and there was an sound so yes got scared xD

i was too greedy xD

(2 edits) (+5)

I cried when ur ended I loved it so much it just can't be over seeker was my fave love him so much❤❤❤


I loved seeing the seeker! He is my favorite character of the game! 10/10! Loved it!


Good game. Must recommend to friend. Will try to 100%... Some day...

(2 edits)

I'm finally playing the redux and I'm having an issue with the settings screen - no matter what I do I can't interact with anything on it. There's a cursor I can see but I can't "pick up" with my mouse or anything like that. I've clicked on it, pressed E, pressed Q again to try to get out, anything I can think of. I'm in the browser version, on Chrome, and I'm trying to open the settings on the first screen right next to the guy that tells you how to open the settings menu. Any idea why this is happening? All I can do is start over at this point because it won't let me out of the screen. I don't know if this screenshot will be helpful since it just looks normal to my knowledge. Thanks in advance if you know what I'm doing wrong or why this is happening.  See reply to comment. I figured it out!


Nevermind, I think I've got it. Note to other people who might be having this issue: you can move the mouse cursor with your arrow keys.

I loved everything about this game: the story, pixel art, characters, world building, music. And the area with the husk made me cry :')

I did a playthrough with (probably) all the quests completed and every area explored if anyone missed sth and wants to have a look:

Is the OST available to listen to anywhere btw?


This pacing for the story was incredibly well done. I really liked it, although the more corrupted sections were definitely stomach churning. Certainly an experience to be sure


I stayed up late to finish this game, and then played it again the following day once I learned about the secret secret room. (I REALLY need broader context for that dude... I need the lore) I freaking loved this game and I loved the art especially (I wanted to love all of the sad monsters...) . Definitely a gem I'm gonna recommend to everyone. Can't wait to see what else you do. :]

Where is the secret secret room?


The very, very last time you face off with the Grim, try to walk around him and there will be a secret entrance behind him. This happens right before you get sent back to town. Good luck! 



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